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There are many things you can do to solve the problem of learning. They include: - forming a sociable society with likeminded people - taking up hobbies like writing and golfing to make learning more attractive - taking classes or obtaining degrees in subjects that interest you. If you still insist on struggling through your learning alone, the best thing I can recommend is to read and watch videos and spend time on courses that help your understanding. Doing this should increase the speed at which you work through problems and complete homework assignments. If reading or watching videos is too much for you, then try working in small chunks; i.e. 10 minutes in the morning and in afternoon.Namun jika anda masih tetap pada keputusan mempelajari sendiri, solusi terbaik yang bisa saya rekomendasikan adalah baca dan nonton video dan menghabiskan waktu ke course-course yang membantu pemahaman anda. Melakukan hal ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan di mana anda bekerja melalui masalah dan menyelesaikan tugas akhir semester. Jika baca atau nonton video adalah terlalu banyak untuk anda, maka periksa kemampuan bekerja dalam kombinasi kecil; misalnya 10 menit pada pagi dan siang. The following steps are intended to help you get through college in one piece, while learning something worthwhile during your tenure. Before attempting to get through college, get organized by creating a study schedule for yourself. Developing this schedule will take some time, but it is well worth the effort. Once you have created the schedule, be sure to follow it religiously. The following tips are intended to help you do just that. Remember that day-by-day consistency is far more important than occasional bursts of inspiration. If you find yourself in trouble after missing a couple days of study, don’t worry too much about it; just set up a new study schedule and re-start the cycle again. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membantu anda menyelesaikan perguruan tinggi dalam satu keadaan baik, sambil belajar sesuatu yang berharga waktu pembebasan anda. Sebelum mengupayakan untuk menyelesaikan perguruan tinggi, anda harus mendapatkan dibentuk oleh membuat sebuah jadwal belajar untuk diri sendiri. cfa1e77820